Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Year In Review

January- On January 11, several mudslides and much flooding caused the death of over 903 people in Brazil. This is important because it caused a lot of damage and had to be repaired with a lot of money.

                On January 24, 37 people were killed and over 100 more were wounded in a bombing that took place in Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow, Russia. This is important because this bombing caused much crisis and hysteria throughout that region.

February- On February 11, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned after protests calling for his departure, which left control of Egypt in the hands of the military until an election can be held. This is important because it caused a great bit of commotion in that region.

                   On February 22, uncertainty over Libyan oil output caused crude oil prices to rise 20%. This is important because it caused the 2011 energy crisis.

March- On March 11, a 9.1-magnitude earthquake/tsunami hit the eastern coast of Japan. This is important because it caused the death of over 15,840 people.

              On March 15, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain declared a three-month state of emergency. This is important because it caused people to panic and become angry.

April- On April 7, the President of Poland, Lech KaczyƄski, was among 96 killed when an airplane crashed in western Russia. This was important because Russia was left without leadership for a while and caused some amount of panic.

           On April 13, a 6.9-magnitude earthquake occurs in Qinghai, China, killing at least 2,000 and injuring over 10,000. This was very important because it made everyone in China worried and sent ripples of fear through the community which affected the whole country.

May- On May 7, the scientists conducting the Neanderthal genome project announced that they have sequenced enough of the Neanderthal genome to suggest that Neanderthals and humans have interbred. This was very important because it is one of the breakthroughs that the theory of evolution needed to be more widely accepted throughout the world.

          On May 19, protests in Bangkok, Thailand ended in a military crackdown, killing 91 and injuring more than 2,100.This was important because it caused uneasiness through that country.

June- On June 9, ethnic riots in Kyrgyzstan between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks resulted in the deaths of hundreds. This is important because it made people feel like the ethnicity should be pushed away.

           On June 11, the 2010 FIFA World Cup was held in South Africa, and was eventually won by Spain. This was an important win for the country of Spain and gave them a wave of energy and happiness.

July- On July 8, the first 24-hour flight by a solar powered plane was completed by the Solar Impulse. This was very important to the science community.

        On July 25, an online publisher of anonymous, covert, and classified material, leaked to the public over 90,000 internal reports about the United States-led involvement in the War in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. This was important because it nearly caused an international incident.

August- On August 5, NASA said that the probe orbiting Mars has recovered possible evidence of liquid water. This is important because it may show that there was life on Mars.

        On August 28, Libyan rebels captured the capital of Muammar Gaddafi. This is important because it was a large step in the Libyan revolt.

September- On September 5, India and Bangladesh ended their border disputes. This is important because it stopped many things from happening.

         On September 19, the United Nations started an appeal to help the victims of the 2011 Sindh floods. This is important because the appeal was for 357 million dollars, which will help a lot.

October- On October 4 there was a car bombing in the Somali capital Mogadishu. This is important because it caused a small panic in the surrounding areas.

          On October 23, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit Turkey. This is important because it killed over 600 people and destroyed over 2,000 buildings.

November- On November 26, Curiosity was launched into space. This is important because this was the most elaborate rover ever built.

          On November 34, many nations signed a bill. This is important because it will affect many people’s lives.

December- On December 15, the U.S. declares to end Iraq war. This is important because it will help the economy in many ways.

          On December 16, Tropical Storm Washi causes 1,257 flash flood fatalities in the Philippines with 85 people are officially listed as missing. This is important because it caused much damage and killed may people.