Friday, December 16, 2011

The Fourth Amendment

The fourth amendment gives people the right to privacy until a warrant is issued with probable cause. A court case that uses this amendment is the Georgia VS. Randolph case. In this case, a person believes that her husband has left, but they must get a warrant to get him.The court ruled against him, so he went to jail. Another  case that uses this is the U.S. VS. Martinez-Furetie case. This case is when a motorist was driving, and he got stopped, they could not search him until they got probable cause. When they did, they ruled against him. Lastly, a case that shows this is the Delaware VS. Prouse case. This case shows a link to this amendment because it was a testament to whether or not a police officer could stop a vehicle and search it without a warrant. This case ruled in favor that the officer could not unless he had a warrant or probable cause. Those are all of the cases that show the fourth amendment in action.

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